The Digital CX Podcast: Driving digital customer success and outcomes in the age of A.I.
This podcast is for Customer Experience leaders and practitioners alike; focused on creating community and learning opportunities centered around the burgeoning world of Digital CX.
Hosted by Alex Turkovic, each episode will feature real and in-depth interviews with fascinating people within and without the CS community. We'll cover a wide range of topics, all related to building and innovating your own digital CS practices. ...and of course generative AI will be discussed.
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The Digital CX Podcast: Driving digital customer success and outcomes in the age of A.I.
Using Google's NotebookLM to Produce a Podcast and Summarize Docs | Episode 084
Link to this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/23MrFuVuMmg
In this episode, I give you an "over-the-shoulder" peek into using Google's NotebookLM to produce next week's podcast episode!
That is perhaps the most surprising feature of this amazing free tool. Besides that, it's great at summarizing documents or web pages for easy consumption and can be a great resource for you to have in your digital back pocket!
00:00 - Intro
07:21 - Using Google's NotebookLM
Shoutout to Marley Wagner and Bob London who did this LIVE at ChurnZero.
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The Digital Customer Success Podcast is hosted by Alex Turkovic
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Today I've got some over-the-shoulder AI fun for you, so stay tuned. Once again, welcome to the Digital Customer Experience Podcast with me, alex Terkovich, so glad you could join us here today and every week as we explore how digital can help enhance the customer and employee experience. My goal is to share what my guests and I have learned over the years so that you can get the insights that you need to evolve your own digital programs. If you'd like more info, need to get in touch or sign up for the weekly companion newsletter that has additional articles and resources in it. Go to digitalcustomersuccesscom. For now, let's get started. Greetings and welcome to episode 84 of the digital cx podcast, the show where we talk about all things digital in CX, and it's a solo episode 84, mainly because the next two episodes are actually going to be solo. So 84, 85 are both going to be solo.
Speaker 1:It is Christmas Eve today if you're listening live, or on day of release, so Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate. Hopefully this is a time for you to spend with family and friends and loved ones and all of that, but I also recognize that a lot of us need a little bit of escape during this time as well, so maybe I am part of your escape today, in which case, thanks for joining me. Today is going to be a little bit different. And be forewarned if you are a regular podcast listener in other words you're listening to the show, you're not watching it on YouTube you may want to take a second to go find a screen or go look for this episode on YouTube. I will be putting a link in the show notes below so you can get to it pretty easily. The reason for this is I'm going to do a little bit of screen sharing today and we are going to have some fun with Google's Notebook LM, which, if you haven't used it yet, is a pretty cool Google product, a little bit under the radar, uses Google's Gemini platform to essentially do some summarization of whatever you feed it and also produces. This feels really random to me, but it also gives you the ability to produce a co-hosted podcast episode with two a male and a female voice bantering about whatever it is you fed it in terms of the sources, so we're actually going to have some fun with that today. In this episode, we are going to feed Notebook LM some sources and do a little bit of prompting, at which point. We're going to ask it to produce one of these podcast episodes and on next week's show you're going to hear the result of that. So you're going to hear the output of whatever it is we feed it today. So you're getting back-to-back solo episodes. Today is going to be nuts and bolts and over the shoulder and next week is going to be literally the output of whatever it is we're working on today.
Speaker 1:So, before we jump over into the screen share, I thought it would be good to spend a couple of minutes just talking about Notebook LM and use cases for Notebook LM, because essentially, what it does is takes whatever inputs you give it. It could be a website, it could be linked to a YouTube video, it could be a document like a PDF or a text document that you upload, it could be any number of things that you feed it, and it allows you to summarize those documents and essentially have a conversation with Notebook LM about those documents, and then you can pin those conversations so that you can reference them later. It's really cool and it sets notebook alum is different than, let's say, chat gpt, for instance, because of this ability to summarize multiple documents into one place and then pinning those things essentially for for later. So the obvious use case here is summarizing documents. So if you have a swath of documents, you can put those in and summarize them. So, for instance, you could well I suppose you could feed it your knowledge base articles or something like that. There's a limit, I think it's 20 documents that you can upload to it, but you can point it at a number of websites on the same topic and then have a conversation with it to summarize those things.
Speaker 1:You can also use it to transform documents into something more digestible, maybe turning a book that you wrote into an ebook or a short version of something. You can use it to analyze reports. So if you have a bunch of data hanging around, you can use it to essentially have a conversation with your data, which is super cool. And I mentioned earlier you could summarize knowledge bases, but you could also use it to create a knowledge base. So if you have documentation that's pretty broad on a specific niche topic or a group of topics, you could then use it to essentially create outlines or create the startings of different knowledge base articles. One interesting use case um might be uh, if you're if you're an average cook, for instance, you could feed it your recipes and have it be a place to store those things and then use it to basically query those recipes if you need some ideas about things that you like doing, so that you know there's just the.
Speaker 1:It's one of those tools where it's so kind of open-ended that really the only limitation is your creativity in actually using it. One of the things that Google does suggest that you can use it for is fact-checking. I'm on the fence about that, because I don't generally trust generative AI or AI models to do the fact-checking. In fact, quite the opposite, I tend to fact-check the outputs of generative AI. But hey, you know, go play with it. I wanted to at least provide you with a couple of examples of how you might use Notebook LM, either for your personal use or within a team. It's an incredibly powerful tool, so, without further delay, let's get into it. I'll do a little bit of screen sharing and we'll get into Notebook LM. This isn't gonna be necessarily a tutorial like a full-blown tutorial in Notebook LM, but we're just gonna play around and see what we come up with.
Speaker 1:Hey, I wanna have a brief chat with you about this show. Did you know that roughly 60% of listeners aren't actually subscribed to the show, on whatever platform they're listening to it on. As you know, algorithms love, likes, follows, subscribes, comments, all of that kind of stuff. So if you get value out of the content, you listen regularly and you want to help others to discover the content as well, please go ahead and follow the show, leave a comment, leave a review. Anything that you wanna do there really helps us to grow organically as a show. And while you're at it, go sign up for the companion newsletter that goes out every week at digitalcustomersuccesscom.
Speaker 1:Now back to the show. All right, so I've gone to notebooklmgooglecom and sign in with your profile. Pretty straightforward. I've deleted the ones that I've put in here just to show you what the experience is right off the bat, but it does prompt you to create your first notebook and talks about uploading documents and having conversations with them by having, you know, convert them to useful documentation. What it doesn't tell you about here is the fact that it can produce this miraculous like podcast episode that a lot of people are talking about. By the way, I can't take full credit for this and I didn't discover this by any means. It's pretty well known thing now that you can create these podcast episodes from Notebook LM, but most notably, marley Wagner and Bob London talked about this at Churn Zero and actually produced an episode live during their session, which was super cool.
Speaker 1:Anyway, we'll stop blabbering, I'm going to hit Create and this will pop me into this initial modal where I can start to feed Notebook LM certain sources. And you see, here I can upload PDF, txt, markdown, audio, so any number of different things. I can upload documents from my Google Drive. I can link to websites. I can link to websites. I can link to YouTube videos. Now, what's interesting about the YouTube thing is I was researching this a little bit more you can't. It's not crawling video, um, like live. It's actually taking the transcripts from those videos, and it actually, um won't take transcripts from, like very recent videos because I guess they need some processing time or whatnot. But you are limited to 50 different resources, which is a ton, or you can just copy and paste text in here, right? So there's a lot of capability here.
Speaker 1:Now, in thinking about what I wanted to do for this little demo is, you know, there's this concept of wrapped or like end of year kind of recap of what happened throughout the year and I thought, well, why don't I create that? But using Notebook LM in audio format, that, but using Notebook LM in audio format. And so I think what I'm going to do is feed Notebook LM a series of things that I've done over the course of the year, and we're going to start with just the website, because it will go crawl the website and pull stuff in there as well, stuff in there as well. So I'm going to give it digitalcustomersuccesscom to start with and there we go. So you'll see, on the left it is looking at digitalcustomersuccesscom and right off the bat in the chat window, so you see, the sources are over here on the left, I can add sources here In the chat window. It has started to basically say hey, look, here's kind of a brief summary of the topic, right? So in this case it thinks that I'm essentially talking about the podcast, or want to talk about the podcast specifically for this, which it's not wrong. It is interesting the title that it gave this chat, which is generative AI for customer success managers. It probably did that because I have my AI tutorial for CSMs embedded on the homepage of the website. Now that begs the question should I maybe feed it some sub pages? So let's go look at digitalcustomersuccesscom and what I might do is point it to the four pillars of digital customer success, which is an article that's on there. I'll go ahead and add that as a source as well, just to see how reactive this thing is. I'm still kind of in play mode here, if you couldn't tell, but we're playing live together, super fun, all right. So I fed it that.
Speaker 1:Now, in thinking about what other content I wanted to feed this chat you know, to give it some sense, for you know the, the show and kind of what we've been through on this show journey together I thought it was good to feed it a few episodes, and so what I will do next is essentially give it some links to some of my solo episodes that I've done, and so I will start adding those as sources here. Now I'm not going to drag you along while I add, like I don't know, 10 different episodes here, but, as you see, here I've added a YouTube video and you can check and uncheck these as you go along, right. So what I'm going to do real quick is just take a second and go add probably half a dozen or so solo episodes. The other thing that I thought I would do is add a list of guests that I've had over the years Sorry, not over the years, over this past year and see if that helps the cause as well. So give me a second. I'm going to do a bunch of work and then I'll see you here shortly. All right, so I've added a bunch of YouTube episodes.
Speaker 1:As you can see, I've done a couple of other things that I'm going to add here. First of all, I am going to upload a list of guests that I've had. I just put that into Google Drive guests in 2024. I'm going to insert that. So I think that gives me a general yeah, it gives me a general kind of overview of the show of this year. It's got quite a few episodes, it's got the web page, it's got my guest list for the year, and so now I can start to interact with these documents and these videos and start typing and have a conversation with it.
Speaker 1:Now, before I do that, I did want to show you real quick. The output element of this is on the right-hand side here, and so you know you can produce various things. For instance, I could produce an FAQ if I wanted to, which is super powerful, you know a briefing document, if I wanted to present an executive overview, for instance, of the podcast to somebody, or a study guide, if I was going to offer a certification on all the topics that have been discussed over the last 84 episodes, which I don't even know if I could pass. But that's beside the point. Anyway, there's a bunch of outputs here. One of them is this deep conversation so two hosts, english only, and that is essentially what we're going to output for next week's show. I'll play a clip of it here when we're done.
Speaker 1:But the first thing we're going to do is just have a conversation with Notebook LM so that we can start to direct what we want that podcast episode to talk about. And so it does give you a couple of suggestions down here. How does generative AI impact customer success? How can community building enhance digital customer success, all that kind of stuff. This is all digital customer success related, which is great, because that's the subject matter. However, right now, what I want to do is basically ask it for an overview of what the Digital CX podcast is, and so we're going to ask it. Can you give me a summary what the Digital CX podcast is and the major themes covered on the show. I'm going to see what that comes back with. All right, now, what's cool here is it has come back with a pretty lengthy list here, but it does tell me about the podcast itself, and you'll notice that it does cite sources, which is incredibly cool. Think of this as basically like a steady guide. So if you fed this a bunch of source documentation and asked it to summarize it, it would do the same thing that it's doing here, which is it'll give you the sources from where those things came. So very, very cool. And then, yeah, as per my prompt, it does then tell me you know what are some of the major themes that the show talks about.
Speaker 1:And now what I'm going to ask you to do is to give me a recap of 2024. Is to give me a recap of 2024. And this is where I'm going to manually actually feed it. My Spotify wrapped details, so we're going to pepper in a little bit of manual information here as well. You can see, the show grew phenomenally, by the way, which is awesome 316% follower growth, which is awesome, awesome. My average five star rating is five stars, so thank you to those of you who've left a five star review. Um, all right, so I've skipped ahead a little bit, because it does take it a second to really come up with this stuff, but you'll see that it says we've experienced significant growth, which is all accurate Increase in the show's relevancy and impact and digital customer success community, as well as a commitment to providing valuable insights to its audience. Awesome recap of the journey, name change and scope of expansion uh, yeah, this is great. So this picked up from episode 50 that I fed it because that's when we changed the name from digital CS podcast to CX podcast, so it's great. Uh, focus on the four pillars. We did a lot of stuff on the four pillars this last year emphasis on measuring, roi, exploration of automation, generative AI integration which is cool community building okay, so I mean a decent summary.
Speaker 1:Now, what isn't apparent here is that you know this this isn't going and crawling the web for new sources, right, it is specifically looking at the sources that I am feeding it. So could it perhaps produce a better result if I fed it some additional things? Absolutely, did I think about the possibility of feeding it every single transcript from this year's episodes? Single transcript from this year's episodes? Absolutely, and we probably could have done some of that. But also, you know, using tools like this, the whole goal is to create some efficiency in your life. If I were to go and download every single show transcript, if I were to go and download every single show transcript format it put it in here you could argue that I could really just as easily in that time record a recap episode of myself. So you know, there's a point of diminishing returns here. But the point is that you can feed it a lot of information and have it distill that information down into digestible chunks and really good outline format.
Speaker 1:Now, one of the features of Notebook LM here is that it allows you to save notes, and so I'm going to click save note and what that does, because as you have a conversation with the chatbot, you know things get kind of lost in the mix, and a lot of times with ChatGPT you have to go back and reference things that you did. And one thing that makes this really a notebook is that you can save these notes over here for reference later. So super, super handy. So I'm going to leave it at that for now. I could. I could go on and refine things, and it's it's best practice that you do that with any uh, you know, with any ai, but I feel relatively good about where we stand with our results thus far.
Speaker 1:So what I'm most interested in here today is this audio overview deep dive conversation to hosts english only I would imagine they're going to probably going to probably going to expand that at some point. But what I'm really interested in is having this thing create next week's episode for me so that I don't have to. So we're going to have two hosts talk about the Digital CX podcast a year in review, and so I'm going to hit the customize button because then so I'm going to hit the customize button because then this will give me the ability to basically prompt what I want these two hosts to talk about in this episode. And so here we go. Be a recap, let's say, of the year 2024 as it pertains to the Digital CX podcast. The episode should highlight some of the major milestones and accomplishments achieved throughout the year, as well as highlight the concepts. I can't spell concepts discussed throughout the year High level, but we're going to give that a try. I'm going to hit generate and it's going to chug on that for a little bit. So while it's doing that, I hope you see how cool this tool is. I really want to use it a lot over this coming year as a notebook and helping me summarize certain things. When you exit out of a specific one that you're working in, you'll see that it has a placeholder for this particular conversation that you're having with Notebook LM and then you can add to those right. So it's not this stream of consciousness, there's this concept of just separate conversations that you're having within Notebook LM, but I think you're going to be pretty impressed with what it pumps out as its podcast episode.
Speaker 1:I found this to be fascinating for a couple of reasons. First off, it just seems random, you know, to have it pump out a podcast episode of all things. You know the study guide makes sense, the briefing doc makes sense, faqs that makes perfect sense. But then you know it's a podcast episode. So somebody at Google, I think, was having fun with this. On the surface it's an incredibly cool thing and for the most part the output is relatively engaging, though when you really listen to it it can be a bit of snooze fest. To be honest with you, the hosts are engaging and they sound like podcast hosts and it sounds really well produced and those kinds of things, but the banter is a little bit contrived. You'll get what I mean when you hear the results. So I really hope you've enjoyed this brief, over-the-shoulder experience of Notebook LM. Maybe you can start to utilize it yourself as well, and what we're going to do is actually outro this episode with a sneak peek of what it is generating as we speak. But, that said, I want to wish everybody a very Merry Christmas. If you celebrate, if you don't, hope you get some good time off with the family and all that good stuff and make sure that you tune in next week on Tuesday. I guess that would be New Year's Eve. Yes, it would be on New Year's Eve, because we're going to be playing the output of Notebook LM in its entirety. So hope you enjoy that. Thanks for listening today and we'll talk to you again in the next episode.
Speaker 1:This show was busy in 2024. We're giving you the VIP backstage pass to their year. Yeah, the podcast itself really evolved this year. It went from just digital customer success to a bigger picture of digital customer experience. Thank you for joining me for this episode of the Digital CX Podcast. If you like what we're doing, consider leaving us a review on your podcast platform of choice. If you're watching on YouTube, leave a comment down below. It really helps us to grow and provide value to a broader audience and get more information about the show and some of the other things that we're doing at digitalcustomersuccesscom. I'm Alex Tergovich. Thanks so much for listening. We'll talk to you next week.